Today in Personal Finance, PeyRey and I disccussed possible ways we'd like to take the direction of our project. I also edited a post in the group chat (created by Ashtyn) saying “Everything is looking good so far, glad we’re all contributing to the same common idea. Yes, I think we should have a “Profile” idea that would allow users to personalize their account. I also want to know where this is being made. I’m not sure if the Google Site we are currently looking at has the creative abilities to match all of our ideas. has some good sites to edit, but I’ve been having problems loading some their pages. If anyone can come up with something, please let me know. We should really start putting this project together. Music searching should be starting soon.” I also color coded our group chat to stay organized, and set up a system in which we can communicate instantly and stay up-to-date on what the other is saying!
- Hastings
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